Blogmas · Lets Talk Bookish

Can You Predict Someone’s Genre Of Choice… LTB

Welcome to a new Let’s Talk Bookish post. I know that it has been a while since I post one and I am sorry about that. Am planning on having them become a regular thing!

Let’s Talk Bookish was started by Rikky over @ Eternity Books before moving over to Aria over @ Book Nook Bits. You can see the December topics here if you are thinking about doing blogmas and need some ideas of what to post. Today’s idea is brought to you by Five from @ Down The Rabbit Hole. So let’s get into can you predict someone’s genre of choice.

What is your favorite genre and why?

I think I would have to go with Contemporary and Romance. I do have other favorite genres but these are up there. It is where I can get into the story.

Is there a reason why those particular genres speak to you or capture your interest?

I don’t think that there is a particular reason. I just think it was because it is what I found gravitated towards. I think it has something to do with the fact that I enjoy seeing people falling in love or seeing how they deal with situations because it could be very different from how we do things in the real world.

What is your least favorite genre and why?

Classics. I think it stems from the fact that here in America you have to read classics for school. Like yea, some of them were interesting, and probably would pick them up on my own. But overall, I think that the fact that I was “forced” to read classics while in school think it was why I don’t want to touch the genre with a 10-foot pole.

Is the genre the biggest determination of whether you look for and choose a book, or is it something else?

Genre isn’t the biggest determination of why I pick a book. It is a determination of what books I look at first. Because when I go into a bookstore, I almost always go toward the romance section first. But that doesn’t mean I won’t walk out with a sci-fi.

I think the biggest determination when it comes to books is the cover and the synopsis of the book. And sometimes I will read the first paragraph (or page) to see if it will be the right fit for me or something that I want to read. But no, genre doesn’t go into determining how I pick my books.

Do you find that you are able to predict what kind of genres people like based on their personalities?

Think that it depends. Because sometimes our predictions can be wrong. If they aren’t that big of a reader you can go off their personality to see what it is that they might like to have them get into reading.

Do you notice patterns in which kinds of people like certain genres?

I don’t tend to notice patterns when people like certain genres. But I think that might be because the only people I talk books with are online and it is harder to notice patterns when it comes to people and what they like when it comes to genres.

There is this week’s Let’s Talk bookish. Feel free to do this and I would love to know if you can predict someone’s genre of choice.

One thought on “Can You Predict Someone’s Genre Of Choice… LTB

  1. Love this post – I definitely agree that classics are my least favourite! My favs are YA thrillers and romances – I’m not sure why because I feel like the two contradict each other so much! 😂

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