Just Books · Recommandations

Summer 2024 Book Recommendations

Summer is pretty much here in North America. Well, it sure is feeling like it in Texas where it is hitting the upper 80s to mid 90s. Some places in south Texas already have multiple days in triple digits (100 degrees). So what better way to start the summer blogging season than with a recommendation post? So what books do I recommend for the upcoming season? Well let’s get into it.

Also, if you like this post don’t forget that you can tip me on my ko-fi page. But no pressure.

We Were Liars

The fact that this does take place on an island just screams summer vibes. And if you are looking for it then this is a book for you. It follows a group of four friends whose friendship turns destructive. Lies upon lies that will become unraveled to become the truth. And I will say that the ending was the best part so if you can get that far it will be worth it in the end.

If you have been around for a while, then you know that this isn’t one of my favorite books. If you are wondering, “Why are you recommending a book you didn’t like”, the answer is simple. I am all for recommending books that I don’t like in hopes that they find the right audience. And just because this book didn’t work for me doesn’t mean that it won’t work for others. That is something that I fully believe in and why you will see me recommend books like this one in hopes that they find the right audience.

The Guest List

If you love mysteries or thrillers then I think that this can be the book for you. Because it gives off the vibe that you are going to want to stay up all night to see who did it. This does take place at a wedding that is set at the cost of Ireland. When everyone seems to be there to celebrate the couple, someone ends up dead. Who turned up dead? And who killed them?

This is another one I can hear those who have been around saying, “You hated this book and yet here it is on a recommendations list.” Just like We Were Liars all for books finding their audience even if I am not a part of this audience. I will say, check out my review on this book before going in because none of the reviews that I saw had the content warnings and it threw me off due to not knowing what content warnings were in this book.

Never Too Late

This one follows Steph who is offered a job of a lifetime which takes her to the Italian Rivera to help a band record their reunion album after a decades-long hiatus. One thing that she doesn’t expect is to find an instant connection with the band’s lead singer’s son. With both her career and her heart at a crossroads, what path will our main character follow?

If the cover of this doesn’t scream summer vibes then I don’t know what will. While reading this, I got the summer vibes and summer is the perfect season to get on your T.A. Williams game. Because he has become one of the authors who is in rotation when it comes to blog tours. Granted not every book does have a review but that doesn’t mean that I won’t go back and read his past work. But this one in particular, I am recommending for the upcoming summer season. Mainly because this is one of the ones that everyone needs to read for the summer season.

Unknown Dread

What would you do in an apocalypse where you didn’t know what was going on with the human species? Well, that is exactly what happens in this book. The events that are turning once sane individuals into savage predators. With society crumbling, survivors are struggling to stay one step ahead of the infected. This one follows a group of survivors who are interconnected in some way as they are trying to survive while uncovering the truth behind the transformation before it engulfs what is left of the human race.

This book is perfect for summer. If you want a book that will keep you engaged from beginning to end without really knowing what is going on then this is your book. If you are looking for that summer book that will make you stay up late and lose sleep then this is the book for you. This is the book that I enjoyed when I read it and am super glad that I got to read it when I did.

Lipstick And Camera Clicks

If you had told Indigo that she would have gone on a dating show after breaking up with her now ex-boyfriend she would have thought that you were crazy. Especially after she has sworn off dating. But the reality show is her chance to help make sure that she is getting her makeup artist career off the ground. it is either get successful or move back in with her nagging mother. And Indigo is not about to let men knock her off of her game.

I stand by what I said about this being one of my favorite reads of 2023. Because it is true. And if you are looking for that reality show vibe in a book then this is for you. I am not sure who are fans of the Bachelor franchise but if you are then this needs to be on that summer TBR. Because this is going to be the book of the year let me tell you. And summer usually means for most people, romance reads and this is exactly what this one is. A spicy romance that also has a love triangle where the main female character ends up falling for her best friend’s brother who just so happens to be the cameraman on the show that she signed up for.


This follows Cal who recently moves to Sedona in hopes of a better life for her grandmother. Cal is looking for a move when she ends up moving to Sedona. She is looking for more time, more adventure, more meaning. And the magic of Sedona sure as hell doesn’t disappoint. Because behind the curtain of every window, there are secrets that are just waiting to be uncovered. And for those searching for more, there is no place like Sedona.

After reading this book, you might be tempted to book a trip to none other than Sedona, Arizona. This is the perfect summer read because it does take place in Sedona in the summer. So be fully prepared to have sunscreen on hand if you do visit Sedona during the summer.

The Last List Of Mabel Beaumont

Mabel does lose her list loving husband right at the very beginning of this book. One one his last lists that he ever leaves just has one thing on it and that is to “Find D”. Mabel is almost certain that this is telling her to find her best friend whom she has not seen in nearly 60 years. Not after that fateful day. With everything that Mabel goes through to find her old friend, what she doesn’t know is that her list isn’t just about finding her old friend. And if she can admit the secrets that she has been hiding, maybe she could find happiness again. And she can have Arthur for that.

We always need a book that is a feel-good story. Where you are looking for something bigger that you may not be looking for. And that is exactly what this book is. Trying to find the thing that you may not be looking for. And this is just the perfect summer book. And if you are looking for a bi-main female character this is the one for you.

There was today’s blog post. Do you have any recommendations for the summer season? If so, I would love to know. I would also know if there are any books that I mentioned here today that you have either read or want to read. Here is to hoping for a great reading season.

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