TBRs (not Monthly)

Why I believe trigger warnings are important in books

If you’re the type of person who doesn’t believe that trigger warnings should be in books then that’s your opinion. I’m not going to change your mind. I don’t want to change anyone’s mind. I want you to have your own opinions because we are only human. So this is my opinion on why I believe that trigger warnings are important.

If the author nor publisher aren’t going to put in trigger warnings then it has to be up to the reader to be like ‘hey if you’re thinking about reading said book by said authors just know that it deals with a,b,c’. I mean how else are we supposed to know that a said book has trigger warnings that could honestly trigger a said person if there is no trigger warnings.

I mean depending on how descriptive the author gets with the trigger warning depends on if a reader can handle it. A reader only knows how much of a specific trigger warning they can in fact handle before it starts messing with them mentally.

There’s some readers who are like ‘bring on the hardcore shiz with all the trigger warnings’ because they can handle it. Theres some readers who are like ‘I can handle it but only so much’. Then there’s some who are like ‘I can’t handle even a few lines of trigger warnings’. It all depends on the book and the reader. Because I do believe that even some books can send some (not all) of the ‘hardcore shiz’ fans into a ‘this is too much’.

I think trigger warnings are important because it helps the reader know which books they should be buying. If a book has trigger warnings they aren’t comfortable reading about then they shouldn’t put their money towards it. It shouldn’t matter if it’s hyped or not. We all have different reading tastes so if I want to read Markos (sorry if your names Marko) Favorite Book or series I should know if there’s trigger warnings. So that way I know and prepare myself for it.

Don’t get me wrong, trigger warning books can be therapeutic to someone who has experience something like that. It could be the closure that they needed. Seeing a character experiencing something they experienced. So don’t feel ashamed if you are one of those people.

I know if I’m going to read a book that has trigger warnings I’d want to know. That way I know if I want to spend the money on a book knowing it has said trigger warnings in it. Because some trigger warnings make me feel extremely uncomfortable to read about and some put me in a bad mental place.

I know not everyone thinks like me and that’s okay. I don’t want people to think like me. I want people to hear my side and help me learn in the process. I know not everyone wants trigger warnings while some are like we should have trigger warnings. I’m on the side that thinks that books should.

5 thoughts on “Why I believe trigger warnings are important in books

  1. At first I found trigger warnings kind of odd, but the more I read – especially YA fiction – where they specifically want to tackle the hard topics – the more I agree with you. The only problem is that the people who need to notice them often ignore them and proceed anyway. As a counselor, that has kept me very busy at times. ❤️


  2. Yes, please thank you. Trigger warnings are VERY important. I definitely believe they’re one of the kindest things to someone who needs a little warning and to those who doesn’t wish to read it, they can be easily overlooked given that they start with the words “trigger warning”. I definitely support what you’re saying. ♥️


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