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Cemetery Boys Review

Genre:Fantasy, Young Adult, Fiction, Contemporary, LGBTQIA+, Romance

Style: audio

Page Count: 346

Trigger Warnings: mention of death, spirits, anxiety, abuse, gang


This follows our two min characters of Yadriel and Julian. Two boys from almost completely different walks of life. Yadriel just wants to prove his trans identity to his family. Julian who is kind of the schools resident bad boy.

On the night that Yadriels cousin Miguel gets murdered, Yadriel wants to help. He wants to be out with the others who are searching for Miguel. But his family still see him as his assigned at birth sex. But instead of releasing his cousin Miguel, he ends up releasing Julian.

At first, Yadriel wants nothing more than just to get rid of Julian. But Julian was like “no, i want to check on my friends and brother. Make sure they will be fine without me.” Without knowing what to do, Yadriel keeps Julian around.

But the more that Yadriel keeps Julian around, the more that Yadriel falls for Julian. And the closer that it comes to releasing Julian to the after life, the more that Yadriel doesn’t want Julian to leave.

So on the day of the day of the dead celebration, Yadriel tries to put Julian on the other side. But something stops them. Threw investigation, Yadriel and Maritza find out what was stopping Yadriel from sending Julian over to the other side.

They find not only Julian but Miguel and 2 other people. Who were being sacrificed in order to have another member of Yadriels family to get power. But threw sacrifice of his own self, Yadriel ends up saving not only Miguel but Julian and the other two. Causing Maritza to find a way save Yadriel without using animal blood.

Yadriels family finally ends up seeing him for who he really is. Yadriels father ends up wanting to listen and wanting to know Yadriel. Even though it took some time, Yadriel is happy that his family, especially his father, is coming around and wanting to understand.


I loved this book. I wasn’t expecting to love it as much as I did. The relationship between Maritza and Yadriel has to be one of my favorites in this book. From page one, it seemed like the two black sheep of the family against the world. Just because of the whole vegan thing of Maritza and Yadriels family not understanding him yet.

This book made me laugh. Sometimes out loud because I couldnt contain the laughter. This book also made me want to cry towards the end just because I felt really attached to the relationship that Yadriel and Julian had formed throughout the book.

I could have done without the whole “this character shrugged” but it also added to the story. Because it felt like it was natural for these characters.

This was my first book by this author and I enjoyed every page of it. I can’t wait to read more books by this author.


5 Stars