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Auto Buy/Read Authors

Hello all and welcome to a brand new blog post. Today I am going to be talking about some of my auto-buy authors. I do want to say that I have received ARCS for some of the releases that I have mentioned in this post. if you want to read a review, feel free to click the picture. I have not read The Great Dating Fake-Off by Livy Hart so there is no review for that one up yet.

Belle Manuel

I have loved Belle Manuel over the last year to year and a half and I have been reading her books. I think that when I started with one, I knew that I was hooked. She is one of those authors that hook you when you are reading her books. When you reach the end of a book, especially the first book in a series, you almost wish that the next book was out because you need to know what happens next in the world.

I will say that if you want to read her books, you do need to check for trigger warnings. Because even though she mainly writes fantasy, I still want you all to be safe in the books that you are choosing to read. So if you are looking for a good fantasy author then I will check her out because I think that you will not be able to stop at one of her books. You will continue to read all of her books. Feel free to check out my reviews for the books that I have currently read.

Beth Moran

I have to thank RaRaResources for this one. Because if you have been following my blog for awhile, then you will know that Beth Moran has become more of a main stay on my blog when it comes to authors that I review. I have enjoyed her books to the point where she has earned the right to become a main stay author on the blog over the last few years.

I don’t think that you can be disappointed when you pick up one of her books because I have enjoyed her books to the point where I get excited when she releases a new book. Granted, some books are better than others but it has been a wonderful experience getting to read Beth Moran’s books.

Livy Hart

I have to thank Brittany & Books on YouTube for this one. Because she couldn’t stop talking about Talk Flirty To Me before it even came out. This sparked my interest, so I read it, and the next thing I knew I was three books deep and needing more of her books. The best thing about her writing is that it can take you out of current reality for a little bit. I might not like every single book but I will say that I enjoy her books enough to where I can not stop reading them. I think that they are great and I think that you should read them as well.

I think that her books are wonderful and think that as a reader, you can’t be disappointed when you pick up her books. I enjoy her writing style and the character work that she does. That is why I don’t think that you will be disappointed when you read her books. If you are looking for an author who does a great job when it comes to telling a story you will need a Livy Hart book. I think that her books can either put you in a reading slump because they are that good or bring you out of one because they are that addictive.

Eliza McLane

There is something about Eliza McLane’s writing that I enjoy. I think that it has something to do with the fact that she writes great stories that just so happen to have smut in them. I think that if you are looking for quick stories that you can get through then Eliza is your author. I don’t know why but you will not be disappointed because they are great in my opinion.

I do think that if you are looking for a book that is half smut half plot stories then I would recommend Eliza McLane, just because even though her books aren’t related to each other in any way, they are perfect to read for a said holiday. I do think that if you are in the mood for smut then I would recommend her books and it doesn’t have to be Valentine’s day for you to read her Valentine day novella.

There are my auto-buy/read authors. Do you have any auto-buy authors? If so, I would love to know who they are.

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